As a leading service provider in the field of drug discovery and research, BOC Sciences is fully competent and dedicated to serving one-stop molecule labeling services which has be used in various detection and assay system. BOC Sciences manufactures and markets stable isotope labelled (> 97% atom %) products derived from food plants and is used as a tracer and internal standard in a wide range of research fields and diagnostics in the life sciences.	Stable Isotope conjugation Natural Products

Stable Isotope conjugation Natural Products

753 näyttökertaa

As a leading service provider in the field of drug discovery and research, BOC Sciences is fully competent and dedicated to serving one-stop molecule labeling services which has be used in various detection and assay system. BOC Sciences manufactures and markets stable isotope labelled (> 97% atom %) products derived from food plants and is used as a tracer and internal standard in a wide range of research fields and diagnostics in the life sciences. Stable Isotope conjugation Natural Products

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