Lung cancer is one of the malignant tumors with the fastest increasing morbidity and mortality and the greatest threat to people's health and life. In recent years, many countries have reported that the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in men account for the first in all malignant tumors. The cause of lung cancer is still not fully clear. Howover, mass of data shows that long-term heavy smoking is very closely related to the occurrence of lung cancer. Lung cancer is not infectious, but has a certain familial clustering and genetic susceptibility.	Lung Cancer diagnosis

Lung Cancer diagnosis

685 zobrazení

Lung cancer is one of the malignant tumors with the fastest increasing morbidity and mortality and the greatest threat to people's health and life. In recent years, many countries have reported that the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in men account for the first in all malignant tumors. The cause of lung cancer is still not fully clear. Howover, mass of data shows that long-term heavy smoking is very closely related to the occurrence of lung cancer. Lung cancer is not infectious, but has a certain familial clustering and genetic susceptibility. Lung Cancer diagnosis

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