Creative Biostructure is specialized in providing cost-effective contract services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the field of structural biology and membrane protein technologies. We have developed all-in-one, gene-to-structure pipelines for the structure determination of macromolecules of your interest. With a team of experienced professionals, Creative Biostructure is able to solve the structure of many challenging proteins including GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, enzymes and viral targets. We also provide a comprehensive list of products and other related services to facilitate your research in structural biology.	Crystallization-grade Protein Purification

Crystallization-grade Protein Purification

820 näyttökertaa

Creative Biostructure is specialized in providing cost-effective contract services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the field of structural biology and membrane protein technologies. We have developed all-in-one, gene-to-structure pipelines for the structure determination of macromolecules of your interest. With a team of experienced professionals, Creative Biostructure is able to solve the structure of many challenging proteins including GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, enzymes and viral targets. We also provide a comprehensive list of products and other related services to facilitate your research in structural biology. Crystallization-grade Protein Purification

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