Antibodies are proteins that play a critical role in our immune system for recognizing various antigens. Antibodies are increasingly used as diagnostic tools and therapeutic drugs, and an important component of the antibody engineering process is the availability of high quality three-dimensional structures. Experimental determination of antibody structures is laborious and not always possible. On the contrary, computational modeling provides a fast and inexpensive route for generating antibody structural models.	antibody modeling service

antibody modeling service

818 visninger

Antibodies are proteins that play a critical role in our immune system for recognizing various antigens. Antibodies are increasingly used as diagnostic tools and therapeutic drugs, and an important component of the antibody engineering process is the availability of high quality three-dimensional structures. Experimental determination of antibody structures is laborious and not always possible. On the contrary, computational modeling provides a fast and inexpensive route for generating antibody structural models. antibody modeling service

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