The major limitation of in vivo patch-clamp recording is its technical difficulty, which requires experienced personnel and a large amount of patience. The workflow of patch-clamp recording involves pressing a glass micropipette against a cell in order to isolate a small "patch" of membrane that contains one or more ion channels. The experimental setup further allows researchers to "clamp" the electrical environment of the patched area by precisely controlling the voltage across the cell membrane, which, depending on the ion channels present, impacts the flow of ions through the membrane and allow for intricate study of these channels.	Patch-Clamp-Recording


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The major limitation of in vivo patch-clamp recording is its technical difficulty, which requires experienced personnel and a large amount of patience. The workflow of patch-clamp recording involves pressing a glass micropipette against a cell in order to isolate a small "patch" of membrane that contains one or more ion channels. The experimental setup further allows researchers to "clamp" the electrical environment of the patched area by precisely controlling the voltage across the cell membrane, which, depending on the ion channels present, impacts the flow of ions through the membrane and allow for intricate study of these channels. Patch-Clamp-Recording

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